Your Thyroid Health Solutions

Finding The Right Thyroid Treatment Just Got Easier

What We Do


Treat Your Thyroid and Core Hormones

There are 6 STEPS below. Each step will have an action for you to complete.

To look and feel optimal, you have to manage your body in a number of ways, the food you ingest, the exercise you do, the crispness of your brain, plus leading a calm fulfilling life, with your stress under control, having your sleep regular, combined with a fulfilling personal relationship and family.

Nitek Medical has the answers to your “Core Hormones” with the right type of testing, the correct diagnosis, and the right type of medications. The 10,000’s of patients we have treated in 26 different countries over the last 21 years attest to the fact that we can really make a difference.

The Result:

Wow! Within a few months you will feel energetic and alert, as your symptoms slowly disappear.

How Does It Work

Just Go Through These 6 Easy Steps


Patient Contact Data

Help us to fill in your contact information to create your personal patient file. 


Blood Analysis

We will be sending you a blood collection kit to your address in the next few days. You will collect the blood and return to our sister lab for analysis.



We will email you the Terms & Conditions Agreement for electronic signature. Please check your email inbox and junk folder for an email from HelloSign. Your signature is required before delivery of services.


Health Questionnaire

Help us to understand and evaluate your current health status with our online questionnaire. This will help us to know you better.


Select Testing Center

Select a location to book your in-person THYROFLEX appointment with a trained technician. The appointment will take approximately 10 minutes.
*If you opted for the Exception (no in-person visit), skip this step.

Please e-mail the date and time you selected for your Thyroflex.


Make A Medical Appointment

We will be sending you the final link by email when all of the above data and test results are completed and certified to set an appointment with a Nitek medical doctor. In terms of timeframe to expect, the laboratory sends your test results to Nitek Medical within 1 to 2 weeks of receiving your sample and your Nitek medical doctor requires up to one week to analyze all of your data and lab results to create your personalized treatment plan.

Note: There would be a 50% consultation fee of $28 charge for any failed or unresponsive (more than 3 times) attempt to contact patient at their selected time by the scripting doctor.

Your Thyroid Health Journey

Let’s look at what you can expect in your new path to the treatment of your Thyroid:

You have been waiting for a solution to your “Thyroid Blues” for most of your life. We have a tried and proven pathway for you to improve the quality of your life. We understand your desire for a quick solution, please be patient.

Let’s be realistic. It takes us about 3 months to get your hormones balanced if you are hypothyroid, a bit longer for autoimmune. It may take us up to a month to get the kits and testing all completed and evaluated, but it will be well worth the wait. Once again please be patient as you go through the Nitek process. Help is on its way.

For most of you, we need to “titrate” your thyroid meds – that is, to adjust your medications slowly (until you are “at dose”, that means being on the correct amount of medication). Some patients will not feel their best until they are at the correct dosage. We are dealing with prescription medications (natural bioidentical where possible), and we cannot raise your dosage up too fast. This is how we do it:

About 18% of the patients we test, we may have to do some extra blood tests. These tests are necessary as we may suspect you have an auto-immune disease, Reverse RT3, Hashimoto’s, Graves’ disease, or Hashitoxicosis.

They require a very specific and different treatment program

(½ % of patients) We will require a Genetic DNA test, and treatment protocols targeting the calming down of the genetic response.


What Our Patients Say

Hey Dr Turner, How r u? I know I am not a good tablet taker, so I haven't been good at taking those iodine tablets. Then I started taking them again to find an incredible difference. Hair growing strong (it had been breaking and falling) and luscious, lots of energy and general looking good again. It is like magic. All over a few tablets. The difference is actually quite remarkable. Thought I would let u know.
Jenny F, Patient
Manila, Philippines
Dr Rex is very knowledgeable and after just 3 months on NDT, my energy has improved, anxiety lessened, depression gone, GI is good for the first time in years, nails stronger, more energy.... Def good quality NDT. Highly recommend.
Patient treated by Nitek’s Hormone Specialist
Once I took the Biothroid, Biodine, & D3, within a short period of time, I felt like a teenager again, vital and young. I had my life back. I said to myself, ...I’m back, I’m back.
Our patient who has Autoimmune and could hardly get out of bed and been to see 6 or 7 doctors.

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